Contact us today by email - to schedule
your fundraiser!

Fundraisers with Sweet Daddy Corn are EASY!

Why Choose Sweet Daddy Corn?


  • ​We're a local, family-owned business. When you support Sweet Daddy Corn, you're also supporting Oklahoma business!
  • Our corn is kettle-popped and made with fresh, natural ingredients. We do not keep bags stocked, so when you order, your corn is popped fresh!
  • We want to help your organization raise as much money as possible, so we'll do whatever we can to help.
  • Our product is gluten free and does not contain any peanut products. It is also Non-GMO!
  • It's delicious! Seriously. The corn pretty much sells itself!

Program Info

Our fundraising program is simple!  Your group will raise needed funds and you get to support a local company in the process.  There are two ways your group will sell Sweet Daddy Corn:
Flyer Sales: Your participants will sell from a fundraising flyer featuring Sweet Daddy Corn.  Money is collected up front, a master order is placed, and popcorn is delivered to your organization for distribution.  There is a 50 Bag Minimum.
                                                     Your profits will be 50% of your sales!